Bulgaria does have it's beautiful parts. It also shows it's Russian influences and corruption around every corner as well though.

Walking through the city with two young British lads I met in the hostel, we came across a number of these items. A small weekday protest, with propaganda that we couldn't really read. Old communist style buildings and architecture. It was exactly the type of thing I hoped to see in this area of the world. Though I saw much less than what I figured I would to be honest.
The first picture is one of the many drawings posted by the protest

we witnessed; showing the bad apple with heads of state which was seemingly being fumigated by the Bulgarian Nationalist party. I think it needs little more notation for you to understand the jist.
The second photo is of an old Russian Orthodox church which was in the center of the city.
(Edited later)
On my train ride out of Sofia, Bulgaria - I shared a train with a young Bulgarian student, Petco. When I asked him how he liked living in Bulgaria, and his new location of Sofia (for school) he said he hated it and wished he could leave or just travel like I was. He said that "many [Bulgarians] felt that the government was [screwing] them over, and laughing in their face while they did it."