Squeezing as much in as possible before I finally go home - while having absolutely no energy left in the tank! The great weather persisted, and even picked up a bit, yesterday. We all went up to Pacific Beach and La Jolla (pronounced La Joya, one of the nicest parts of San Diego) yesterday and went to the beach! Imagine, a Boston boy on the beach in mid December - and not freezing his ass off! Oh the joys of San Diego.

Spent the day with Nathan the Brit, Aaron from Dallas, Bryan from Brooklyn, Brian from San Fran, and Kris from Sweden. Quite the little collection of people walking the boardwalk in front of the Pacific Ocean. It was great though, all our personalities seemed to gel pretty well - though I later found out Nathan didn't care much for Brian and felt he was rude to him. But I noticed nothing, I was too busy loving the fact I was in San Diego! We started the day off just walking the boardwalk after Brian gave us a ride up to Mission and Pacific Beach in his Subaru. Then we ended up buying a cheap football and played football on the beach in our t-shirts and rolled up pants. Barefoot to boot! It was a lot of fun, especially our varied talents in catching and throwing. Made for a lot of laughs.

Bryan from Brooklyn was out in San Diego scouting it out a bit as I had in my own mind, to see if it was a place he could see himself living down the road. I had much the same idea in my mind from the age of 18 or 19. Everyone I met abroad, who asked where they should visit in the US, I told them San Diego would be tops of my own list and that it was likely one of the top 3 locations I would list within the US; Boston being in the top 5 of course; behind Vegas and NYC as pure novelty visits. We were both in agreement by the end of the day that it was definitely a place we could spend a few years, like, maybe 50.
After some football we all walked the beach more. Eventually Brian and Aaron went to get food and Kris, Nathan, Bryan and I continued on before meeting up with the other two at a Hooters nearby for some different kinds of beautiful views ...and lunch. The international lads had never been before, and they seemed quite happy with the atmosphere inside!

Following a satisfying luncheon, we took a bus up to La Jolla and walked around that part of town. It was incredible! The whole area was beautiful. They even had No Smoking signs on the streets! Apparently some public ordinance against public smoking - which only enhanced it's beauty! Now, recalling that my families old tennants had moved out to La Jolla a few years back, and always encouraged us to visit, I was very tempted to look them up - but couldn't recall the exact spelling of their last name so I was unable to find them in the phone book. Chris and Debbie - if you ever end up reading this, I tried! Definitely would have been a treat seeing you both again. Hope you're enjoying that beautiful slice of heaven out west! Anyway - we ended up settling in on a small slice of beach and watched the sunset over the

Pacific. It was incredible - no other way to describe it. We were all a bunch of young 20something guys, but we all just sat and relaxed and enjoyed the view. None of us would have held hands about it or anything, but it was evident that we were all impressed. Eventually, as darkness took hold, we took a bus back to Ocean Beach - where we were staying, and got ready to head out for the evening to some bars to enjyo our final night together in SD, as a few of us were heading out the next day or the day after.
The night was a big hit as well, the perfect end to a perfect San Diego day. $8 pitchers. $3 drafts. We went to work. And we all felt it the next morning.