After another spontaneous decision when I woke up tired of the mountains of Poland, searching for something new, I found myself on a train bound for Prague in the Czech Republic, rather than Bratislava, Slovakia - which had been the short-term tentative plan 24 hours prior. I convinced myself that it would be for the best - as all the decisions I've made thus far have worked out in the end; leading me to become even
more of an optimist since traveling; which has been very important so that I don't get disappointed so easily, for instance, if I show up at a hostel in Bulgaria at 1a.m. and it no longer exists...
After 4 days in Prague, with arguably some of the coolest people I've met in the past 9 weeks, my opinion

on the city is much improved. It's quite true, that your opinion of a city or country can be largely influenced based on who you meet. So, "Cheers!" (as if we didn't say that enough times in the last few nights), to Nowak, Sarah, Aliza, Susanna, Karol, and Kowalski (pictured left to right in the photo). Prague wouldn't have been the same without you. Even being sick half of the time I was in the city, couldn't stop the good times from rolling on.
Prague was a lovely city for the most part. My hostel was a bit out of the way of everything of interest, but allowed for some nice walks and good exercise. The city itself was a mix of cosmopolitan areas and historical ones as well. It was much bigger than Krakow, and must say I feel it was a bit over-hyped; or perhaps I just didn't see enough of the city. But I much prefered Krakow just in terms of the city itself.

I will also note here, that I have caluclated approximate mileage covered so far in these nearly 9 weeks of travel, and I have covered roughly 3,980 miles from Greece and the Greek isles to Poland and now Prague. That includes only train, long-distance bus, and ferry travel - walking not included. An additional 4,500 miles could be added with air travel included as well. For a total of roughly 8,480 miles in 9 weeks.