As planned, I got picked up by my amazing friend Mary at the airport in Boston at 7:45PM on December 18th. She drove me home, and dropped me off. I walked up to the back door. Rang the bell. And just like that, the trip was over.
My folks were quite surprised to see me when they opened the door I could tell. And it was a wonderfully warm welcome home. I also got my first free meal in a long time which was also quite welcome!
It's incredible weird being home now. And I'm not quite sure of what to make of it all to be honest. The trip was amazing though. I met so many wonderful people. Learned so much about foreign cultures and countries and people, and a bit about myself and what I value and want in life as well. It was an investment for which the return on cannot be fully calculated just yet and maybe never fully. To be sitting in my own room right now, after sleeping in my own bed last night, is just as surreal as it was when I first set foot in Europe and spent my first night 3 minutes walking distance from the Acropolis in Athens, Greece.
I will make one final post in this in the coming days, possibly after the holidays - when I surprise the rest of my family on Christmas Eve - as I don't plan to let them know I'm home either. It will be a bit of a summary or maybe even a conclusion of the trip. I plan to give it some thought though.